The San Francisco Latino Parity and Equity Coalition envisions a city and country where everyone is recognized and valued for their contributions. San Francisco has long been celebrated as a place that welcomes all, and we are committed to upholding those values of inclusion, equity, and respect for all—now and always. We stand firmly in support of reproductive rights, migrants, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and BIPOC communities and are unwavering in our commitment to defending them.
As we enter a new chapter with elected leaders, we call on them to affirm their dedication to protecting the health and well-being of all San Franciscans and to boldly defend migrant communities through unwavering support of our Sanctuary City policies. These policies are fundamental to our city’s safety and identity, providing essential protections that ensure migrants, regardless of status, are safe, respected, and valued members of our community. We welcome all allies and supporters who share our mission to safeguard these critical rights and protections.
We believe in our steadfast approach, firmly rooted in the conviction that we have the power and ability to enact meaningful change. Our resolve is grounded in a deep commitment to our community, and we remain unwavering in our pursuit of a future where our Latino community—and communities across this country—can thrive.
This is what we are doing:
Together, we will continue to build a more just and equitable society, ensuring that San Francisco and the entire nation remain places where every individual is valued, protected, and empowered to succeed. We ask our leaders to join us in this vision, standing firm in their commitment to protect and promote the rights, health, and well-being of all San Franciscans.
La Coalición para la Paridad y la Equidad Latina de San Francisco imagina una ciudad y un país donde todos sean reconocidos y valorados por sus contribuciones. La Cuidad San Francisco ha sido durante mucho tiempo celebrada como un lugar que da la bienvenida a todos, y estamos comprometidos a defender esos valores de inclusión, equidad y respeto para todos, ahora y siempre. Apoyamos firmemente los derechos reproductivos, a los migrantes, a las personas LGBTQIA+, y de las comunidades Indigenas y de color. Reafirmamos nuestro compromiso de defenderlos con firmeza y determinación.
A medida que entramos en un nuevo capítulo con líderes electos, hacemos un llamado para que afirmen su dedicación a proteger la salud y el bienestar de todos los habitantes de San Francisco, y que defiendan valientemente a las comunidades migrantes mediante un apoyo inquebrantable a nuestras leyes de Ciudad Santuario. Estas leyes son fundamentales para la seguridad y la identidad de nuestra ciudad, ya que brindan protecciones esenciales que garantizan que los migrantes, independientemente de su estatus, sean miembros seguros, respetados y valorados de nuestra comunidad. Damos la bienvenida a todos los aliados que compartan nuestra misión de resguardar estos derechos y protecciones fundamentales.
Creemos profundamente en la convicción de que tenemos el poder y la capacidad para generar un cambio significativo. Nuestra determinación se basa en un profundo compromiso con nuestra comunidad, y seguimos inquebrantables en la búsqueda de un futuro donde nuestra comunidad latina—y las comunidades de todo este país—puedan prosperar.
Esto es lo que estamos haciendo:
Juntos, continuaremos construyendo una sociedad más justa y equitativa, asegurando que San Francisco y toda la nación sigan siendo lugares donde cada individuo sea valorado, protegido y empoderado para tener éxito. Pedimos a nuestros líderes que se unan a esta visión, manteniéndose firmes en su compromiso de proteger y promover los derechos, la salud y el bienestar de todos los habitantes de San Francisco.
Latino Task Force, SFLPEC, la Mission Vendors Association, Latino Democratic Club, Distrito Cultural Indio Americano y Calle 24 Distrito Cultural Latino, nos declaramos de forma unívoca en absoluta oposición al trato inhumano y abusivo hacia las y los vendedores ambulantes de comida en el Puerto de San Francisco, como el ocurrido y captado en video el 8 de septiembre de 2024. Exigimos que nuestra comunidad —incluidas madres de familia, personas empresarias, propietarias y propietarios de pequeñas empresas y la clase trabajadora— sea tratada con dignidad y respeto, mientras luchan por ganarse la vida honestamente en San Francisco. Nos oponemos firmemente a la criminalización de las y los empresarios inmigrantes, pedimos un trato humano y respetuoso y el otorgar permisos accesibles para los negocios de nuestra comunidad. El maltrato por parte de la policía falta al respeto a nuestra comunidad y pone en peligro a nuestras niñas, nuestros niños y jóvenes. Las agencias de la ciudad deben adoptar prácticas que les protejan de daños y traumas.
The Latino Task Force, SFLPEC, The Mission Vendors Association, The Latino Democratic Club, The American Indian Cultural District, and Calle 24 Latino Cultural District stand united in absolute opposition to the inhumane treatment and abuse of street food vendors at the Port of San Francisco, captured on video on September 8, 2024. We demand that our community—including mothers, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and the working poor—be treated with dignity and respect as they strive to make an honest living in San Francisco. We strongly oppose the criminalization of immigrant entrepreneurs and call for humane, respectful treatment and accessible permits for our community’s businesses. The ill-treatment by police disrespects our community and endangers our children. City agencies must adopt practices that protect children and youth from harm and trauma.
The SF Latino Parity and Equity Coalition (SFLPEC) expresses our strong opposition to the proposed enactment of a permanent vendor ban in the Mission District. Our coalition is deeply committed to upholding equity and preserving the invaluable cultural contributions of the vendor community. We aim to express our opposition regarding the imminent ban and propose actionable measures for an equitable resolution.
Vendors represent economic vitality and play a pivotal role in preserving our cultural heritage in our city. Their offerings of affordable goods are fundamental to sustaining the working class and preserving cultural identities within our neighborhoods as they strive to make a living and sustain their families. Recent events have triggered an unfair measure on legitimate and licensed vendors, consequently branding them under a single negative narrative. This broad measure overlooks the nuanced nature of their businesses, dismissing the legacy and legitimacy of many long-standing vendors.
It is evident to us that this ban serves as a catalyst for further gentrification in our neighborhood, disregarding the perspectives of the working class and other local residents. The city’s role should be to promote collaborative solutions among neighbors instead of resorting to extreme measures that disproportionately impact one specific group of people.
Actionable Demands:
Our Coalition is committed to:
We earnestly request immediate consideration of these demands. Your support in preserving vendors' livelihoods while addressing community needs is crucial in upholding our shared values of inclusivity and fairness.
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.
Lucia Obregon
San Francisco Latino Parity and Equity Coalition
The San Francisco Latino Parity and Equity Coalition (SFLPEC) condemns the derogatory, colorist, anti-family, homophobic and racist remarks made in the leaked exchange by former Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez, Council members Kevin de Leon & Gil Cedillo, and the Los Angeles Federation Labor leader Ron Herrera. While we note that former President Martinez has resigned from her seat as a council member and Ron Herrera from his leadership, De Leon and Cedillo participated in the shocking discussion, and failed to hold Nury Martinez accountable while she spewed her hateful remarks and echo the petitions of our LA allies in taking full accountability by resigning from the Los Angeles City Council.
Elected officials have a duty to represent all of their constituents in a fair, just, impartial manner. If a colleague speaks offensively, their duty is to inform the colleague they must make an immediate retraction and apology. These officials should make a motion to condemn any statements that are colorist, homophobic, racist, or otherwise derogatory about the constituencies they are elected to represent since such remarks are contrary to principles of justice for all and fair governance by democratically elected leaders.
The San Francisco Latino Parity and Equity Coalition (SFLPEC) is a citywide, data-driven coalition of more than 22 Latinx-led and Latinx-serving community-based non-profit agencies. We are keenly aware of how destructive this type of racist and homophobic language can be; it remains all too prevalent in Latino communities across Latin America and in the U. S. History has taught us that when public officials use this type of behavior and language, it betrays the public trust, and is a shameful byproduct of colonization and white supremacy. Equally damaging, complicity continues to erase our Afro-Latinos and Indigena voices - and is indicative of the work still to be dismantled. We cannot condone discriminatory and hurtful behavior in any quest for justice, and silent complicity in the face of racism and discrimination is an unacceptable response.
In order to defeat discrimination of any kind, we must have courageous conversations with each other about white supremacy and machismo. The change starts with each and every single one of us; individually, at home, at our places of work and worship. When we celebrate Latinidad, we must do so with actions that embody complex intersectional identities that represent all members of our vibrant communities. As Latinos, our identities encompass ethnic groups that span all colors, religions, and cultures.
In pursuit of a just and equitable society, SFLPEC remains committed to working closely with our Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ communities, and vows to hold all public servants and leaders to the highest ethical and professional standards. In doing so, we are reaffirming a simple fact of our humanity, as articulated by Luis Valdez: “Tú eres mi otro yo.”.
In Lak’ech
In Lak’ech
Tú eres mi otro yo.
You are my other me.
Si te hago daño a ti,
If I do harm to you,
Me hago daño a mi mismo. I do harm to myself.
Si te amo y respeto,
If I love and respect you, Me amo y respeto yo.
I love and respect myself.
Luis Valdez
In solidarity,
Lucia Obregon
SFLPEC Director